Commercialized media outlets are flooded with over sexualized images, negative depiction and glorified risky behavior of women, especially black women, while systemic bias antics affects all women as a whole. The legacies of innovative black women are being buried because of the lack of support and unfair treatment and should be included.
There are not enough positive content in media, peer influence and/or music or influential positive black women role models promoted and accessible to vulnerable populations. These challenges are negatively impacting vulnerable populations of women and all women as a whole. All women should be inclusive with the opportunities to be healthy safe and economically empowered. These challenges affect girls, women, families and communities as a whole.
The inside the mind of the music series is available and will be officially showcased and available for distance or in-person presentations of keynotes, workshops of courses. Stay tuned to learn when you can sign up. The I AM Queen Showcase addressing inside the media and music series is available and is available for distance or in-person presentations of keynotes, workshops of courses.